Can The World Stomach Another Human Centipede?

Everyone has heard about them, however – not everyone has had the guts to act to actually watch the films. I am talking about The Human Centipede. The original was released when I was a senior in high school. And then a sequel came about only a little over a year afterward. As desensitized as I came throughout the years watching violent horror flicks, these movies bring shock value to another level. I do not need to go into detail of what occurs, I am sure you already know. The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) is currently in post-production.

The haunting poster for the first Human Centipede.
The haunting poster for the first Human Centipede.

The final film of the trilogy (we can only hope) focuses on the two villains from the previous films as they come together to create a 500+ human centipede. An article from Entertainment Weekly reports that the third film will be much different than the first two. Director, Tom Six, stated that it will not be as gross and it will be politically controversial. The Human Centipede 3 will be set in a maximum security prison in the middle of the desert.

The newly released image for the final film in the trilogy.
The newly released image for the final film in the trilogy.

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